Delivery Site of Pulping Machine Ordered by Hebei Paper Mill
The Hebei customer was very satisfied with the operation of the pulping machine customized in Leizhan before, and this time he customized a new pulping machine in Leizhan for the household paper production project. At present, these pulping machines have been shipped one after another. The following is the delivery details of this pulping machine.
Pulping Machine Delivery Information
Customized pulping machines: bale opener, eccentric pulper, pulper, agitator, broken pulper, inflow pressure screen, vibrating screen
Shipment of pulping machines: eccentric pulper, inflow pressure screen and matching accessories.
Shipping time: July 5, 2024
Leizhan has provided pulp and paper machines to many paper mills around the world and has rich industry experience. Welcome to email me about the details and price of the pulp and paper machines you need. Email: